Q. Why a School Museum?
A. In a small, semi-rural community the school is often the center of much of the social cultural growth of its children. In the past 160 years much has happened concerning our schools, of which all of our citizens could profit by knowing about.
Q. How did the Museum get started?
A. In 1984, a Bath School principal asked a group of interested citizens to work on building a school museum. A number of these people were from families who had been in Bath Schools for generations. The Bath School Board generously cooperated with the Museum Committee in providing encouragement and space for a museum.
Q. Where is the Museum located?
A. The Museum is located in the Bath Middle School Auditorium lobby, on Webster Road in Bath.
Q. Who operates the Museum?
A. The Bath School Museum Committee, a non-profit group of citizens, primarily from Bath, who volunteer their time and labor.
Q. How is the Museum funded?
A. The operation of the Museum is funded by donations and the sale of the Bath School Disaster Books.
Q. Where do the items in the museum come from?
A. From individuals as a gift. The schools have also donated many artifacts.
Q. What will I see in the Museum?
A. A unique collection of memorabilia from over 100 years of Bath School history such as:
* More than 100 years of class pictures
* School equipment, clocks
* School desks, books
* School flags
* School records
* School uniforms
* Photos of school events
* School year books
* Student projects
* Many items pertaining to the Bath School Disaster of May 18, 1927
Q. When is the Museum open?
A. During regular school hours and by special arrangement. Permission must be obtained from the Bath School Office before visiting the Museum at 517-641-6721.
Q. What else does the Museum do?
A. The Museum supports the community in many ways:
* Participates in the Bath Days Festival
* Has sponsored, for some 35 years, a golden alumni reunion luncheon for all Bath High School graduates of 50 years or more (the third Saturday of each May) beginning with the class of 1927. We usually have around 170 in attendance.
* Holds a candlelight vigil on the evening of May 18 to honor those who died in the Bath School Explosion on May 18, 1927.
* Sponsors a scholarship for a Bath High School graduate.
* We give presentations to groups and/or organizations interested in learning about the Bath School Explosion.
Q. Where can I find copies of the Bath School Disaster Books?
A. At the Bath Township Office, or the Bath School Museum or by contacting a museum committee member, by Facebook, or email at
[email protected], or by calling the Bath School Office at 517-641-6721.
Q. How does one become a member of the Museum Committee?
A. The committee is always looking for new members. To contact a member of the Museum Committee, call the Bath School Office at 517-641-6721 or email at
[email protected].