There has been an unfortunate increase in motorists driving through the school bus “stop” lights and signs. Bath Elementary School wants to remind motorists what steps and laws have been taken to protect our student bus riders.
Those who pass stopped school buses may be charged with civil infractions carrying a fine between $100 and $500. Violators may also be required to perform up to 100 hours of community service at a school.
School bus safety tips
-Prepare to stop when you see a school bus's yellow lights flashing.
-Stop at least 20 feet away from a stopped school bus with its red lights flashing.
-Do not resume driving until the school bus’s red lights have stopped flashing and you are certain that there are no children milling around the bus and in or near the traffic lane where you will be driving.
-Slow down in and near school and residential areas.
-Always observe and comply with the school zone speed limits.
-Refrain from distractions such as texting, using a cell phone, eating or grooming while waiting for a stopped school bus – pay attention to your surroundings to ensure that there are no children in/near the road where you will be driving.