SHSA Info Guide
Posted Tuesday, August 20, 2024
Please Take Notice that a special meeting of the Board of Education of the School District will be held in the Clinton County RESA Administration Building, located at 1013 S. U.S. 27, St. Johns, MI 48879 on Tuesday, August 6th at 5:00 p.m. for the purpose of Superintendent Evaluation and Rater Reliability Training
Posted Monday, July 29, 2024
Jerod Koen6175 E. Clark Rd.Bath, Michigan 48808(517) 641-6724email: [email protected]
Posted Friday, March 4, 2022
The Environmental Protection Agency requires each year that district workers and building occupants receive notification of asbestos removal or abatement activities such as inspections and response actions.This notice serves to inform all parents, teachers, administrators, and all other employees that the six-month surveillance period of all buildings, as required by AHERA, has been completed. The three-year re-inspection, also required by AHERA, was performed in October/November 2017. The next three-year reinspection will be conducted in October/November 2020. Each building will continue to have a six-month periodic surveillance and a three-year reinspection as required by AHERA. All abatement projects have been performed by licensed asbestos abatement contractors.Any damaged materials containing asbestos, such as floor tile or thermal insulation, found during the inspections has either been corrected or removed by a licensed asbestos abatement contractor. AHERA information is available for public inspection.
Posted Wednesday, June 21, 2017
All children who enter schools in Michigan are required by state law to be fully vaccinated in accordance with Public Act 368 of 1978, as amended. These requirements are for children entering a school district for the first time. Failure to meet these requirements, as set by the Michigan Department of Public Health, requires the school principal to exclude a child from attendance. Local health departments may set requirements that exceed these minimum requirements.Please contact the school building office your child will be attending for a complete listing of the immunization requirements set forth by law or refer to the webpage. Note: Effective 1/1/2015, parents/guardians must obtain a certified non medical waiver from a local health department. Michigan Department of Health and Human Services
The use of tobacco products is prohibited in all buildings and on all property owned by Bath Community Schools.Violations will be handled in accordance with State Law.